Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Tengo la clase de arte. Necesito  cuaderno y lápiz la clase de arte. La clase es aburrido. Tengo la clase de español. Necesito papel y diccionario en la clase de español. La clase es fácil. Tengo la clase de matemáticas. Necesito libro y calculadora. La clase es fácil. Tengo la clase de educación fÍsica. Necesito mochilla y lápiz la clase de educación. La clase es interesante. Tengo la clase de literature. Necesito libro y cuaderno en la clase de literature. La clase es fácil. Tengo la clase de biologia. Necesito calculadora y bolÍgrago en la clase de biologia. La clase es difÍcil. Tengo la clase de marketing. Necesito marcador y carpeta en la clase de marketing. La clase es interesante.                                              


Thursday, August 22, 2013


Tengo la clase de arte a las ocho y veinticinco. Tengo la clase español a las nueve y veintiuno. Tengo la clase de matematicas a las diez y diecinueve. Tengo la clase de educacion fisica a las once y dieciseis. Tengo la clase de ingles a la uno menos tres. Tengo la clase de ciencias a las dos menos seis. Tengo la clase de empresa a las tres menos nueve.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The High-School Experience in Latin America

America's schools are different than Latin Americas. In America we have 7 classes, but in Latin America they have up to 12 classes. Unlike us, they don't go to every class every day. So it is a lot like our colleges. Latin Americans are required to take English. The teachers in Latin America perfer lecturing instead of having their students participate as much as Americans do. They do not have lockers which is unfortunate because they have much more homework than we do. In America we use letter grades. Latin Americans use number grade. The most common type of school in Latin America are private schools. They are affordable unlike here. In America there are mainly public schools. Our private schools are very expensive and not everyone can afford them. All schools in Latin America are required to wear uniforms. IN America usually only some private schools have to wear uniforms.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Latin Americans socialize differently than we do. I think there are many advantages to that. They have very close-knit groups of friends. Most of themare like family to them. They go to school with them since they are young and stay in school with them all the way through high school. They would rather have 2 very close friends than a bunch of friends that they talk to every once in a while.
There are also many disadvanages. They don't get to meet new people wether they like it or not. Or if they get in a fight ir disagreement they still have to be with them. So they have to get along.